Explore the Book:
Table of Contents
Editor Foreword
Part II, Ch. 17
Part III, Ch. 23
Part IV, Ch. 24
Works Cited
1984 (novel) 22, 101, 274, 292, 310, 344, 432
666 (number of the Beast) 130 n4, 260-262, 345, 445
9/11 (September 2001 attack on the U.S.) 25, 52, 81, 145, 363, 407
abortion 70, 82, 102, 208, 209, 217, 221, 319, 336, 368, 372, 385
abuse of children and teenagers, sexual 122, 334, 413, 425, 427-428, 431, 447
Acholi Religious Leaders' Peace Initiative (ARLPI) 74-75, 131, 142, 161 n3
Alexander, Brooks 235, 397, 415
al-Qaida 80-81
American exceptionalism 375, 443-444
Anand, Margot 368, 373
Andrews, Paul 62, 67 n5, 103, 131, 182, 187, 200, 229
angels, fallen 260-262
and syncretism or the URI 18, 47, 53, 74 (also n2), 83, 98, 103, 140-146, 183, 191, 193, 196, 203,
212, 215, 218, 220, 224, 453
New Age 146-156, 247, 410
Anthroposophy 131, 194 n2, 248 (also n6), 257-258, 286
anti-Catholicism 7, 23, 51 n4, 70, 123, 156, 188, 204-206, 246, 269-270, 339
Antichrist 3, 4, 213, 242, 254 n1, 256 n3, 352, 353, 356, 410, 412, 417-419, 432, 436-438, 442,
444, 446, 447
anti-Christianity 5, 6, 8, 9, 26, 33, 51, 52, 70, 89, 123, 124, 130 n4, 132, 148-149, 155,
176-177, 179, 180-182, 184-186, 188, 204, 205, 209, 214, 224 n2, 236, 239, 250, 251-252, 255 n2,
256-258, 266, 269-270, 273, 278, 283, 332, 339-340, 344, 349, 351, 366-367, 373, 396, 408, 410,
412, 415, 417 n2, 419, 432, 433, 442, 444
anti-Islamic prejudice 51, 78, 80 n5, 184, 214, 269, 366, 440, 448
anti-Semitism 70 n1, 121, 123, 124, 180, 182, 184, 265-269, 271, 273, 229, 330-331, 440 n1,
442-443, 447 (also n6)
apocalypse 255 n2, 321, 324, 341-342, 349, 358, 399, 409, 410-412, 415, 417-421, 439, 444; see
also Second Coming of Christ
Appreciative Inquiry 44, 56, 63-69, 203; see also SIGMA Project (Case Western Reserve Univ.)
Arinze, Cardinal Francis 51 n4, 52, 158, 159, 160, 173-174, 176, 181, 188, 209, 210, 215, 217,
244, 394
Ark of Hope 381
artificial contraception 17, 70, 82, 217-222, 295, 319, 366, 372, 385; see also family planning;
population control
Artress, Lauren 103, 146-150, 401
Aryan, Aryans 251, 253, 254, 264-265
Assisi, interfaith meetings at 164, 306
astrology 229, 252, 254 n5, 257, 264-265
Atlantis, Atlanteans 254, 261-262, 264-265, 268, 270
atomic weapons; see nuclear weapons
Aztecs, as New Age spiritual models 200, 307
Bailey, Alice A. 15, 20-21, 29, 132, 133, 248, 259-285, 288, 295, 299, 300, 302, 307, 308, 315,
318, 323, 324-326, 331, 334, 342, 347, 348, 349, 355, 358, 375, 410, 418 n1, 446
Bailey, Foster 15, 20, 260, 265, 270, 273, 278, 280-281, 349, 355, 422
Bailey, Mary 278
Baker, James 25, 370
Barnhart, Bruno 191
Barrett, Richard 225
Bartlett, Rep. Roscoe 117
Belloc, Hilaire 245
Benedict XV, Pope 228
Benedict XVI, Pope 173; see also Ratzinger, Joseph
Besant, Annie 20, 29, 121 n13, 254, 257
Beversluis, Joel 40, 43, 70, 181, 206
biological warfare; see smallpox
birth, New Age view of 128, 155, 218, 264, 319, 329, 336
Blair, Tony 97, 405, 407
Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna (HPB) 17, 18-20, 29, 39, 40, 239, 241, 242, 245, 247, 248-258, 259-261,
272, 285, 299, 328, 348-349, 402, 410
Borg, Marcus 143
Brave New World (novel) 153
Braybrooke, Marcus 196, 199, 207, 216, 257
Brewer, Earl 193
Buddhism and the URI 48, 51, 54, 57, 77, 89, 108, 109, 137 n3, 164 n1, 167, 172, 180, 189, 207,
212, 215, 216, 366, 452, 453, 454
Bunyan, John 401
Bush, George H. W. (U. S. President,1989-1993) 24, 116, 363, 392, 408
Bush, George W. (U. S. President, 2001-) 5, 7, 13, 18, 25, 99, 100, 102, 406, 407, 408
Campbell, Joan Brown 52
Capitalism 5, 12, 38, 124, 225, 236, 280, 296, 309, 245, 359
Carey, Archbishop George (Anglican) 144, 146, 154
Carlyle Group 125
Carter, Jimmy 114, 313, 378
Cathedral of St. John the Divine (Episcopal) 38 n1, 145, 146, 150, 151
Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (C-FAM) 51
censorship, press 76, 89
Chaffee, Paul 52, 65, 129, 134, 156, 158, 163, 183, 216
Chaput, Archbishop Charles (Catholic) 431
Charles, Bishop Otis (Episcopal) 84, 87, 162
Chesterton, G. K. 33, 239, 240, 241, 357
China, People's Republic of 5, 44, 51, 54, 98, 102, 142, 156-157, 185, 214, 280, 309, 344, 346,
355, 366, 373, 376, 397, 408, 413, 416
Chisthi, Ghulam Rasool 80, 82
Chopra, Deepak 111, 346, 367, 374
Christ; see Jesus
Christian Reconstructionists 422
Church of Scientology; see Scientology
civilization, destruction of 262, 276-279, 282-283, 309, 311, 331, 357, 390, 404-405
Clinton, Hillary 99, 135, 147, 367
Clinton, William J. (U. S. President, 1993-2001) 99, 132, 186, 363
Club of Budapest 97, 108, 378, 383
Club of Rome 24
coercion, religious 10-11, 175-176, 186, 231-232, 426, 446, 451
Common Market (Europe) 280; see also European
Commission; European Union
Communion and Liberation 416 n2, 424 n1, 429
Communism, Marxist 7, 116, 134, 142 n11, 225, 279- 282, 293, 296, 298, 305, 310, 343, 345 (also
n4), 397, 414-417, 419, 430, 433, 448
Communism, spiritual 12, 132, 246, 275, 279-282, 310, 342-346
conspiracy and conspiracy theory 12, 16, 102, 214, 254, 391, 396-398
Constitution, U. S. 70, 73, 324, 344, 393 n4, 407 n4
contraception; see artificial contraception
Coomaraswamy, Rama 40 n5
Cooperrider, David 43-44, 46, 63-66, 79
Corless, Roger 172, 216
Corporations, as supporters of or participants in interfaith, New Age, and globalist movements:
Appreciative Inquiry 64
population control 221, 295
State of the World Forum 25, 26, 368, 370, 374, 378
World Economic Forum 17, 24, 389, 394
World Millennium Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders 50-51, 94, 111
Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions 39 n1, 42, 45, 53, 110, 112, 167, 207, 383
Council of All Beings 90-91
Council on Spiritual Practices 85, 86 n2, 368; see also Robert Jesse
Cousteau, Jacques-Yves 220
creation spirituality 152, 153, 155; see also Techno Cosmic Mass
Creme, Benjamin 248 n2, 314 n2, 418 n1
"crisis of birth" 299-300, 302
Cross, replacement of 201, 202, 262, 316, 413
teachings of Alice Bailey 263
teachings of Unification Church 123-124
Crowley, Aleister 130 (also n4)
Crusades 1, 124
cults and sectarian religious movements 11-12, 36, 51, 75 n7, 115-126, 159 n1, 189, 192 n1, 194,
204 n3, 227-229, 235, 253-254, 256, 276, 407 n6, 408, 415-416, 421-430, 440 n1, 441, 442, 445-447;
see also entries for the specific movement
Cultural Revolution, Chinese 280, 282, 355, 410
Dalai Lama, the 5, 47, 51, 98, 107, 110, 112, 114, 136, 180-181, 218, 236, 285, 408
Danzinger, Lesley 377
darkness, and Theosophy 241, 249, 253, 283, 328, 349
Davidson, Gordon 132-133, 281 n1, 284, 285-286
Davis, Gray 100, 408
Davis, Rep. Danny K. 117-118
Dawson, Christopher 42
Dayton, Sen. Mark 118
death, New Age view of 7, 33, 75, 128, 130, 212, 212 n7, 246, 250, 266, 277-279, 285, 288,
306-307, 318-323, 329, 330, 342, 349, 355, 390, 402, 405
Declaration of Independence, U. S. 13
Diocese of California Episcopal 5, 17, 35, 45, 86-87, 140, 141, 143, 153, 154, 165
Dispensationalism 414, 440 n1, 441
dissent, religious 159 n4, 160-174, 205-206, 229, 308, 416 n2, 430, 431
divinity, ascribed to mankind 7, 25, 34, 192, 193, 249, 250, 262-263, 316-319, 325, 329, 333, 350,
divorce 82, 319, 338
Dolan, Fr. Luis Catholic 94, 110, 111, 167, 169 n1, 382
Doonesbury (comic strip) 157
dragon, religion of the 130, 245, 250, 254, 255 (also n2), 412, 445
Dreher, Rod 427, 431
drug abuse 19, 82, 84-87, 101, 122 n4, 129, 130, 131, 147, 152, 154, 183, 337, 367, 374-375
Earth Charter movement 5, 12, 16-17, 24, 73, 50, 51, 96-97, 104, 126, 151, 193 n1, 210, 220, 225,
358, 368, 380-388, 391, 398, 401, 407
Eastern Orthodoxy 8, 11, 49, 89, 140, 158 n5, 213 (also n5), 229, 426 n7, 442
ecumenical movement, contrasted with interfaith movement 10-11
Eden, Garden of 7, 246, 396, 404, 405
education, New Age 21, 87-89, 128, 131, 243-244, 258, 264, 274, 276, 279, 295, 300, 313-314, 317,
322, 334, 336
Ehrlich, Paul and Anne 26, 373
entheogens (drug use for spiritual purposes) 84- 87, 373-375
Episcopal Church 5, 8, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 35, 42, 44, 50, 56, 84, 86 (also n2), 87,125, 131, 135,
135 n12, 140-147, 149, 151-159, 162-165, 178, 183, 189, 193, 199, 205, 207, 216, 219, 222, 226,
235, 236, 251, 322, 394, 452, 453, 456; see also Cathedral of St. John the Divine; Diocese of
California; Grace Cathedral; National Cathedral
Epting, Bishop Christopher (Episcopal) 141 (also n5), 145
Erhard, Werner 137 n11, 162-163, 347
Escrivá, Fr. Josemaría (Catholic) 425-427, 446
Est, 163; see also Erhard, Werner
eugenics 7, 263, 294-296
European Commission (EC) 45, 46, 369
European Union (EU) 204, 236, 309, 344, 356, 393 n1, 394, 401, 429
Euthanasia 7, 101, 208, 294-296, 319, 321 n4, 333-336, 391
evangelization, religious 5, 6, 9, 38, 100, 158-159, 160, 175-182, 184, 209, 230-234, 235, 425,
evolution, New Age views of 7, 21, 22, 33, 34, 46, 65- 66, 148, 167, 174, 192-193, 195, 212 (also
n7), 213, 240-241, 243, 246, 248 n6, 252-253, 256, 260-262, 263-265, 269-270, 275, 276-279,
281-282 (also n1), 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 294-300, 302-303, 307-308, 309, 310, 311-312, 314
n1, 316, 317, 318-319, 320-324, 325-326, 327-328, 330, 332-333, 337, 343, 350, 357, 384, 390, 402,
403; see also progress, as New Age article of faith
exclusive religions 3, 70 n1, 177, 180-188, 195, 196, 204, 215 n7, 233 n6, 263, 320, 339, 340, 440
extinction, human 311, 390; see also "selection" of mankind, New Age concept of
extra-terrestrial beings 328, 343, 379
extreme-right politics and religion (Nazis, Fascists, Moonies, and rightist New Ecclesial
Movements) 12, 110, 115-126, 178, 185, 209-210, 214, 228, 244, 254 (also n5), 263, 264, 267, 268,
275, 276, 281 n4, 289-293, 296, 297-298, 305, 310-311 (also n1), 321 n4, 331, 356 n2, 411-438,
Fairgrove, Rowan 48 (also n7), 129
fall of man, 7, 246, 258, 318, 332; see also Original Sin
families 12, 22, 25, 45, 50, 65, 70, 84, 117, 121, 124, 129, 208, 223, 240, 319, 345 n4, 370, 404,
422 n5, 424; see also marriage
family planning 98, 99, 102, 168, 218, 219, 252, 372; see also artificial contraception,
population control
Fascism 12, 414-416
Faust (Goethe) 37
Feminism, 5, 66, 106, 166, 173, 225-227, 236, 257, 340, 385; see also ordination of women priests
Firmage, Joe 379
Fitzgerald, Archbishop Michael (Catholic) 159, 160
Flood (Biblical Deluge) 213, 218, 262, 357
Focolare 416 n2, 423, 430
Fonda, Jane 26
forgiveness of sins 50, 124, 163, 262, 317-318, 319, 332, 333, 429
foundations - supporters of or participants in
interfaith, New Age, and globalist movements:
Appreciative Inquiry 64
population control, 218, 221
State of the World Forum 378-379
United Religions Initiative 58-62
World Economic Forum 394
World Millennium Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders 25
Fox, Fr. Matthew (Episcopal) 18, 21, 146, 150, 152- 156, 192, 219, 240, 286, 326, 347, 369
Fransen, Jim 220-221, 227
of religion 8, 10, 11, 70 (also n4), 112, 126, 176, 178-181, 217, 344, 415, 445
progressive/evolutionary, globalist and New Age redefinitions of 7, 33, 41, 88, 131, 182, 185,
227, 231-232, 246, 279, 292, 293-294, 303, 323, 329, 330, 335, 340, 345, 348, 355, 380 n2, 384,
355, 386, 396, 408
Freemasonry 19, 20, 21, 48, 137, 248, 273-274, 350, 419 n5, 422, 442, 446, 479
French Revolution 147, 223-224, 396, 412
Frew, Donald 16, 28, 36 n8, 41, 42, 44 n5, 49, 50, 52, 53n1, 54, 57, 58, 62, 63, 67, 69, 72, 74,
77, 81 (also n8), 82, 83, 87 n4, 90, 95, 102, 103 n1, 110, 113-114, 115, 125, 125 n3, 126 n7, 127,
128, 129, 129 n2, 139, 140, 141 n6, 158, 162, 175-176, 182, 201, 202, 224, 225, 452 n1, 453 (also
nn 1, 2)
fundamentalism, religious 1, 6, 9-10, 36, 38, 50, 77n3, 79 (also n3), 107 n7, 134, 182-188, 195,
196, 211, 269, 340, 390
Garner, Sanford 125, 145 (also n4)
Garrison, James 357, 365-367, 369, 371, 378 n8, 381
Gates, Bill 17, 59, 62, 221, 393, 394
gay issues 5, 18 (also n5), 56 n5, 83-84, 119, 120, 122 n4, 130 n4, 143, 172, 180, 202, 236, 340,
385, 393 n4, 447
germ warfare; see smallpox
Gibbs, Fr. Charles (Episcopal) 34, 35, 38 n1, 50 n4, 53, 54, 55, 56, 79, 80, 82, 93, 95, 96, 100,
103, 115 n3, 125, 145, 169 n1, 179, 180, 193 n1, 199, 214, 223, 225, 242, 452, 455
Global AIDS Interfaith Alliance 56, 59, 74 (also n2)
global brain 308, 348, 350, 403, 430
Global Education Associates 43, 45, 167, 169, 172 n5, 194, 447
global ethic movement 6, 206-210, 216, 218, 236, 350
global governance 1, 7, 12, 16, 24, 93, 102-104, 350, 357, 365-366, 370-372, 393 (also n4),
Global Green, USA 151, 376; see also Green Cross International
global heart 308
global soul 37, 93, 287, 308; see also spirit of the earth
global spirituality 185, 195, 198, 203, 216, 223, 224, 350
globalist movement 353-398
globalization 355-398, 402-408, 410, 412-413; 419- 421, 445-447
political 7, 12, 15-17, 23-25, 26-27, 102-104, 125, 213, 224-226, 274-276, 279-282, 302, 308-312,
324, 342-345
religious 6, 9, 36, 37-38, 42-43, 134-136, 167, 182- 205, 222-224, 255-256, 270-273, 287-288,
307-308, 339-340
Gnosticism 130, 212 n7, 228, 241, 251, 258, 278, 281 (also n4), 350, 395
Goldin Institute for International Partnership and Peace 57
Godwin, Joscelyn 358
Gorbachev Foundation 15-16, 24, 102 (also n8), 103 n13, 360, 361 n4, 378
Gorbachev, Mikhail 1, 15-16, 16 n2, 22, 23-24, 37, 98, 102, 103 n13, 104, 152, 249, 310, 313, 346,
358, 359-365, 370, 372-373, 375-376, 378, 380-382, 386, 405, 406, 407, 415, 418, 434
Grace Cathedral (Episcopal) 38 n1, 44, 52, 103, 112, 133, 136, 140, 145, 146, 148 n5, 150, 153,
164, 180, 183, 190, 199 (also n6), 200, 201, 207, 223
Gray, Bettina 110, 223
Great Invocation (Theosophical prayer) 22, 132, 278, 324, 325
Green Cross International and affiliates 15-16, 24, 152, 362, 375, 376, 380, 381, 386-388, 401,
406; see also Global Green, USA
Gretschmann, Klaus 394, 401
Griswold, Bishop Frank T. (Episcopal Presiding Bishop, 1997-)140-141, 141 n1, 143, 143 n5, 183,
Guenon, Rene 3, 4, 40 (also n7), 91 n4, 185n5, 194 n2, 204 nn3,4, 233 n6, 235 n2, 256 n3, 245 n2,
346, 351, 352, 404, 418 n2, 420-421, 432, 435-438
Gundani, Paul 168, 218
Gunderson, Gary 114, 156
Gutierrez, Rosalia 178 n1, 180, 453
Hai, Iftekhar 106, 164 n1, 218, 453
Han, Wenzao 156
Hare Krishna movement (ISKCON) 126
Hashish, use by Helena P. Blavatsky 19
Hekate (Pagan deity) 5, 49-50, 410
Hermes (Pagan deity) 5, 49-50, 410
Herzberg, Rabbi Arthur 187
hierarchy, spiritual, New Age concept of 261-265, 271, 272, 275, 277-284, 295, 308 n3, 318, 325,
342, 349, 402, 436-437, 446
highly evolved beings: see extra-terrestrial beings
Hinduism, and the URI 8, 36, 40 (also nn5,7), 41, 47, 51, 52 n4, 54, 57, 108, 109, 124, 137 n3,
152, 155 n2, 164 n1, 170 n8 176-177, 180-181, 194, 195, 196, 215, 306, 311 (also n6), 453-454
Hiroshima, atomic bombing of 278, 300, 323
Hitler, Adolf 23, 27, 117, 121, 251, 275, 290, 291, 300, 310-311 (also n1), 330-331, 332, 348,
355, 356 n2, 416, 416 n3, 417 (also n2), 420, 443, 445 n2
Hock, Dee 46, 56, 57, 103, 134, 404-405
Hoeller, Stefan 258, 281 n4
Hollister, Juliet 111, 198
Holocaust (genocide of the Jews during World War II) 36, 121, 267, 268, 330
Homosexuality: see gay issues
Houston, Jean 147, 284, 326, 346, 367, 368 n1
Hubbard, Barbara Marx 7, 21, 22, 23, 33, 34, 66, 85- 86, 103, 115, 131, 134, 135, 150, 193, 212,
(also n7), 219, 240, 242, 243, 247, 262, 269, 284, 286, 299, 300, 302, 316-326, 342, 346, 348,
349, 350, 357, 358, 368, 391, 402, 403, 407, 416
Huerta, Christian de la 83, 180
Huxley, Aldous 134, 153
Imbens-Fransen, Annie 166, 227, 453
Incas, as New Age spiritual models 307 (also n2)
individual identity, submergence of in New Age 66, 70, 90 n3, 243-244, 274-275, 289, 292, 294-295,
309, 319, 324, 342, 367, 387, 388, 391, 397, 401, 402-403, 446
Ingham, Bishop Michael (Anglican) 47, 141, 143, 183-184, 193, 206
Interfaith Center at the Presidio 156, 158, 163, 164 n1, 201, 202
Interfaith Center of New York 50, 103, 110, 145 n6, 150, 381
Interfaith curriculum for children, URI 76, 87-89
Interfaith movement, other than the United Religions Initiative: 6, 10-11, 26, 36, 39-44, 45-46,
50-52, 54 n8, 109-114, 115 n3, 124-126, 128-129, 134, 136, 138 nn10,11), 156, 163-164, 167, 185
n5, 187-188, 191-196, 199-200, 201-203, 206-207, 217 n5, 229-230, 233-234, 259, 367, 381, 389; see
also names of specific interfaith organizations
Interfaith Sacred Space Design Competition 201- 203
International Diplomacy Council 97, 99, 223, 406
Interreligious dialogue, orthodox Catholic position on: 9-11, 51 n4, 158-160, 164, 173-174, 176,
181-182, 187, 188, 213-215, 217, 224, 229-234, 408; see also Arinze, Cardinal
mainstream, and the URI, 44, 54, 56, 57, 74-75, 83, 100, 106-107, 137 n3, 164 n1, 200 n8, 453
radical, and the URI, 77-82
Israel 36 n6, 44, 49, 53, 56, 82, 105 n2, 106, 107 n7, 120, 166, 169, 268, 399 n8, 440-441, 447
n6, 453; see also Palestine; Zionism
Jain, Bawa 50, 51, 103, 110
Jainism, and the URI 109
Jesse, Robert 86 n2, 368, 374, 375 (also n1); see also Council on Spiritual Practices; Rhythm
Jesus, the Christ:
heterodox and New Age views on, 22, 88-89, 116, 120, 121, 123, 124, 130, 131 n13, 132, 143, 150,
155, 172-173, 174, 177, 179, 183-184, 190-191, 193, 194, 215-217, 226, 239, 241, 242, 250,
251-252, 253, 256, 260, 262-263, 266-267, 279, 282, 283, 288- 289, 307-308, 316-318, 319, 325,
328-329, 347, 357, 358, 367, 368 n27, 395, 440
traditional Christian views on, 9-10, 11, 32, 34, 160, 203-204, 210, 217, 230-234, 236, 238, 241,
242, 244, 351-352, 354, 441, 442-443, 444
Jesus Christ, the Bearer of the Water of Life (Vatican Document on the New Age) 228
Jewish Temple, plans to rebuild 440-441
John XXIII, Pope 229, 270 (also n1), 304, 305
John Paul II, Pope 122 n4, 163 n7, 184, 217, 221-222, 227, 228, 229, 232, 233, 234, 304, 305 (also
n4), 410, 425, 429
Johnson, K. Paul 258
Jones, Fr. Alan (Episcopal) 103, 145, 164, 190, 200
Journal of the United Religions 185, 191-195
Judaism, and the URI 7, 8, 106, 214, 215, 246, 360
Karma 239, 256, 258, 262, 266, 267, 306
King, Ursula 286
Kirby, Richard 193
Kirby, Sr. Joan (Catholic) 110, 111, 168
Knitter, Paul 172
Knox, Ronald 413
Kreeft, Peter 444 n4
Kreutzer, Anke 185 (also n5), 194, 197, 216
Kucinich, Dennis 101
Küng, Hans 51 n10, 112, 173, 184, 206-210
Labyrinth movement 149-150, 171 n10
Lambeth Conference (Anglican), 1998 144 (also n11), 212, 215
Laszlo, Ervin 97, 368, 405
Latter-Day Saints, Church of (Mormons) 157-158, 196
Lattin, Don 190
Legionaries of Christ 422, 423, 424 n1, 425, 428-429, 445
Lemurians 261, 264, 265
Lenin, V. I. 27, 117, 122, 236, 244, 275, 279, 280, 300, 343, 348, 358, 447
Lerner, Michael (Jewish) 135, 346, 368
Levada, Archbishop William (Catholic) 161 (also n6), 164, 226
Lewis, C. S. 11, 13, 92, 190, 243, 244, 303-304, 317, 327-328, 349, 358, 402-403, 407 n6, 414,
415, 442-443, 444
liberalism, secular Western: 6-8, 16, 25, 50, 66, 71, 82-83, 100, 102, 224-226, 254, 293-294, 296,
298, 358, 359-360, 377, 383, 390, 393 (also n4), 408, 418
liberty: see freedom
Lord's Prayer, New Age versions of:
Matthew Fox 155
Barbara Marx Hubbard 317
Interfaith Center at the Presidio 113
Neale Donald Walsch 317-318
lowerarchy 92
Lucifer 7, 246-247, 249-250, 252, 260, 261; see also Satan
Lucifer Publishing Company 15, 20, 248
Lucis Trust 7, 15, 20, 21, 22, 60, 112, 131, 132, 215 n7, 247, 248, 257, 259-283, 307, 314, 315,
324, 412
Lucis Trust - related organizations:
Arcane School 15, 20, 259, 314
Lucis Publishing Company 20, 314
World Goodwill 20, 132, 257, 259, 268, 281, 325, 383, 412
World Service Fund 60, 131
Lukacs, John 414 n3, 417 (also n2)
Luyckx, Marc 369
Lyons, Oren 376
Machiavelli, Niccolo 312
Macy, Joanna 90
Maitreya (Theosophical) 26, 314 (also n3), 325, 418 (also n1)
marriage 18, 23, 52, 80 (also n5), 84, 119, 124, 125, 208, 219-220, 240, 268, 334-335, 357, 416
n3; see also families
Martin, Fr. Daniel (Catholic) 286
Marx, Karl 244, 445
Marxism 3, 122, 187, 281 n4, 289, 292-293, 302, 345 n4, 358, 397, 428; see also Communism
Masonry: see Freemasonry
Matser, Fred 361 n4
Mattison, Avon 103, 284-285
Mayans, as New Age spiritual models 49, 307, 313, 324
McCloskey, Fr. John (Catholic) 427
McGinn, Bernard 418, 438
McLaughlin, Corinne 132-133, 281 n1, 284, 285
McLennan, Scotty 157
Men, Fr. Alexander (Eastern Orthodox) 415
Miguel de Portugal 413-414
millenarianism 194, 195, 211-214, 223, 254, 285, 337, 339, 341-342, 372, 403, 427, 435, 436,
Mische, Patricia 43, 194-195, 368
modernism (heretical tendency within the Roman Catholic Church) 8, 174, 272, 386, 408
monism, as view of God and/or the universe 33, 327, 338
Moon, Sun Myung 5, 110, 116-126, 145 n4, 236, 263, 422, 426 n12
Moonies; see Unification Church and related organizations
Mormons: see Latter-Day Saints, Church of
Morton, James Parks 38 n1, 103, 110, 145 (also n6), 146, 150-152
Muggeridge, Malcolm 33, 244, 358, 377
Muller, Robert 7, 21, 50, 93, 101, 103, 111-112, 131, 132 n10, 133-134, 135, 184-185, 195 (also
n4), 219, 220, 223-224, 241, 247, 269, 271, 284, 286, 306-315, 346, 348, 349, 358, 368 n1, 372,
383, 403, 416
Nagasaki, atomic bombing of 278, 323
National Cathedral, Washington DC (Episcopal) 125, 145, 150
National Council of Churches (US) 52, 112, 193, 201, 207
National Socialism: see Nazism
nation-state, obsolescence of 1, 12, 93-94, 119, 133- 134, 213, 279-280, 298, 299-300, 302, 303,
305, 308-312, 342-346, 357, 360, 362-364, 370, 381-382, 444
nature-worship 24, 38 n1, 151, 188-201, 249, 361
Nazism 178, 209, 214, 228, 244, 254 (also n5), 264, 267, 268, 275, 276, 290 n4, 291, 293, 296, 321
n4, 331, 397, 413, 415, 416, 442, 443, 445n2, 447
Neocatechumenal Way 432
Neopaganism 28, 41, 127-128, 148, 162, 254; see also Wicca
Nesky, Andrew 48
Neuhaus, Fr. Richard (Catholic) 38
New Age movement 15, 18-23, 131-139, 146-156, 227-229, 237-352, 366-369, 373-375, 376-377, 396-398
"new civilization" 14, 15, 16, 24, 37 (also n5), 42-43, 182, 204, 359-360, 375 n1, 396, 397
New Group of World Servers 263, 268, 274, 277, 281, 282 (also n1), 308 n3
New Oxford Review 1, 431 n1, 447, 479
New Religion:
New Age and globalist predictions / proposals 34, 93-94, 255, 270-274, 286, 287-289, 306-308,
316-319, 339-342, 361, 366-369, 376-377, 389- 391, 394-395, 404-406, 412
trends 37-38, 159-160, 206, 231, 413-415
URI and 71, 131, 132-136, 188-205, 235-236
new world order 7, 10, 14, 15, 26, 35, 38, 42-43, 103, 167, 206-211, 246, 265, 272, 273, 274-276,
279, 281, 282, 308-312, 346, 358 (also n6), 359, 360, 363-364, 393-394, 398, 404-407, 409-410,
413-414, 416-418, 480
Newman, Cardinal John Henry 34
Nietzsche, Friedrich 432-436
Nobel Peace Prize, predicted for the URI 44
nuclear war 1, 36, 278, 323, 355, 389
nuclear weapons 1, 7, 24, 36, 227, 246, 269, 277-278, 300, 323, 348, 373, 413
O'Brien, Michael 439
occultism; see Neopaganism; Theosophy
omega point 288, 349
one-world religion: see syncretism, religious; New Religion
Opus Dei 422-429, 445, 446
ordination of women priests 18, 82, 83, 172, 173, 205, 226-227, 385; see also feminism
Original Sin 239, 241, 332, 374; see also Fall of Man
O'Rourke, Fr. Gerard (Catholic) 139, 161, 161-165, 202, 225, 229
Orthodoxy, Eastern 8, 11, 49, 57 n3, 89, 140, 158, 158 n5, 213 (also n5), 229, 442, 480
Orwell, George 101, 274, 310, 331, 344, 356, 416-417, 432
Ottley, Bishop James (Anglican) 33, 142, 220, 224
Overpopulation: see population control and population reduction
Palestine 266, 268, 269, 420 n2, 440-441; see also Israel; Zionism
Pantheism 33, 227-229
Parliament of World Religions:
1893 6, 39-41, 43
1993 41-43, 128
1999 77, 199, 272
2004 110
Pathways to Peace 103, 138, 284-285
Patten, Chris 356
Paul VI, Pope 232, 305
Paul, the Apostle 9, 34, 214, 238, 241, 242, 244, 266, 368 (also n27), 417, 442, 443
persecution, religious 36, 52 n3, 70, 182-188, 204, 213, 344, 410, 416, 417-419, 427-428, 432,
443, 444-448
Peruman, Sri Ravi 108, 126 n3, 180, 225
Peter, the Apostle 192 n1, 230, 242, 250, 251, 421, 444-445
Pike, Bishop James (Episcopal) 18
Pius X, Pope 8, 174, 408 (also n2), 411
Pius XI, Pope 209-210, 228, 229-230, 351, 411, 442
Pius XII, Pope 210, 411
plan, hierarchical, New Age concept of 22, 244, 260, 275, 276, 324, 325
planning, as New Age article of faith 34, 279-280, 285, 294-296, 302-303, 355, 358, 360, 402
Ponedel, David 113, 136 n10, 199 (also n8)
population control 7, 98-99, 217-222, 225, 246, 252, 263-264, 295-296, 299, 384, 387; see also
abortion; artificial contraception; family planning; population reduction
population reduction 26, 219-221, 307, 372-373, 390, 398
prayer, as a response to the present crisis 10, 27, 235, 352, 409, 438-439, 448
pre-millennial dispensationalism (Protestant eschatological belief) 440-441
progress, as New Age article of faith 7, 189, 244, 246, 252, 263, 272, 288-289, 291, 293, 294,
296, 297, 299, 301-303, 309, 314 n1, 340, 356, 367, 412; see also evolution, New Age views of
Project for a New American Century 407 (also n6)
proselytizing, religious 3, 40 n5, 41, 52, 173, 175-182, 194, 204 n3, 451
Protestantism - Evangelical churches 7, 20, 50 n5, 100, 140, 146, 151, 157, 183, 229, 235, 246,
351, 395, 415, 441 n1, 448
Protestantism - Mainline churches, other than Anglicans and Episcopalians 26, 140, 146, 229
Protestantism and the URI 11, 26, 57 n3, 100, 112, 140, 142, 156-158, 184, 452, 453, 454; see also
Anglicanism; Episcopal Church
racism 123, 208, 252-253, 254 n2, 264-265, 196-299, 393n4, 441-443
radical social change, New Age calls for 263-264, 265, 270-273, 274-276, 279-283, 288-289,
294-296, 301-304, 308-313, 319-326, 332-336, 339-346, 348-352
Rangel, Rep. Charlie 119
Rankin, William 56 (also n5), 74 n2, 78, 82, 152 n4, 174, 214, 215, 224
Ratzinger, Cardinal Joseph 173, 188, 233
reactionaries, New Age proposals and predictions of fate of 7, 246, 269-270, 274, 276-279, 285,
297-298, 301-302, 312, 320-323, 341-342
Regnum Christi 424 n3
Reich, Robert 186
relativism, religious and philosophical 63-66, 186- 187, 215-217, 230, 233-234, 236, 331-332, 350,
371-372, 433
reproductive rights; see abortion, artificial contraception, and population control
Republican Party, U. S. 5, 12-13, 18, 50, 100, 116, 363, 392
Rhythm Society 86 (also n2), 87; see also Jesse, Robert
Rice, Condoleezza 405, 407
Robert Muller Schools 21, 313-314, 383
Robinson, Gene 143
Rockefeller, David 391
Rockefeller, Laurance 150
Rockefeller, Steven 16-17, 368, 380, 382, 391
Roman Catholic Church:
Catechism of the Catholic Church 11, 13, 213, 229, 356,357, 432
Opponents of the URI 152, 158-160
Supporters of the URI 160-174
Archdiocese of San Francisco 162-165, 202, 209
Members of the URI Global Council 452, 453
Religious orders, male and female 169-172
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops 165
Supporters of the Earth Charter 382, 383 (also n9)
see also Vatican, the
Ronning, Chester 280, 355
Rudolf Steiner Foundation 103
Ruse, Austin 51 (also n1), 52
Russia, 19, 24, 27, 53, 224 n2, 294 n5, 270, 279, 279 n4, 281, 300, 309, 359, 362, 413, 415, 416,
440, 445; see also Soviet Union
Russian Revolution 27, 270, 280
"sacred earth" 38 n1, 188-205
Sanat Kumara 261 (also n9), 325
Satan 31, 49, 116-117, 119, 120, 121, 203, 209, 213, 229, 249, 250, 254 n1, 255 n2, 319, 413, 417,
437, 440, 443, 447
Satanism 130, 245
Schuman, Robert 133, 309
Schuon, Frithjof 3, 178 n3, 185 n5, 215 n7, 225 n6, 256 n3
Scientology 126
Second Coming of Christ:
heterodox and non-Christian views, 270-272, 284, 308, 318, 412
orthodox Christian views, 13, 32, 213-214, 410- 412, 417-419, 432; see also apocalypse
sects; see cults and sectarian religious movements
secular messianism 13, 213, 398
Seed, John 90-91
"selection" of mankind, New Age concept of 7, 243, 246, 252-253, 276, 297, 319, 320n1, 320-323,
342, 402
Semel, Rita 105, 164 n1, 183, 216
sexual ethics, New Age approach to 54, 129-131, 263-264, 319, 333-336, 338, 373-374
Sexual Information and Education Council of the US (SIECUS) 77, 82-83, 225
shamanism 16, 76, 90, 91 (also n4), 109, 130, 201, 368, 376-377, 389
Share International 26, 314 (also n3), 418
shari`a (Islamic law) 77 (also n3)
Sheed, Frank 214
Sheen, Archbishop Fulton J. (Catholic) 413
Shultz, George P. 99, 370 n3
SIGMA Project (Case Western Reserve University) 56, 63, 64; see also Appreciative Inquiry
Sikhism, and the URI 57, 108, 109, 200 n8, 452
Simon Magus 251
"simple living" and the State of the World Forum 375-377
smallpox, and Mikhail Gorbachev 23, 361-362
Smith, Huston, 23, 84-87
social Darwinism 7, 206, 319
social democracy 12
socialism 12, 24-25, 26, 226, 296, 308, 346, 356 n2, 358, 359-360, 361, 362, 366, 385, 389, 391,
410, 416 (also n2), 417, 433, 434, 435
Solovyov, Vladimir 419 (also n4)
Sophia (female "Holy Spirit") 227, 241-242, 251-252
Soros, George 1, 5, 25, 61, 101-102, 221, 370, 374, 378, 394, 408
Soviet Union 15, 23-24, 276, 280, 293, 296, 360, 362, 363 n6, 373, 388, 397
Spaak, Paul-Henri 356 (also n2)
Spangler, David 248 n2, 281 n1, 284, 286, 326
spirit of the earth 12, 203, 212, 297, 300-301; see also global soul
Spiritual Counterfeits Project 397
Spong, Bishop Jack (Episcopal) 18, 143, 251, 322
Stafford, Cardinal James Francis 424, 428
Stalin, J. V. 117, 275, 300, 397, 417, 420, 428, 439
Stallings, G. Augustus 122 (also n4), 123, 124
Stang, Betsy 138 n 11, 259
State Department, U. S. 7, 78 n5, 99, 406
State of the World Forum 5, 6, 16, 22, 24, 25, 26, 37, 103-104, 119, 187, 194, 346, 357, 358, 360,
365-379, 381, 388, 395, 398, 408
Steiner, Rudolf 61, 103, 131 (also n13), 194 n2, 248 (also n6), 257-258, 259, 383
Stevenson, Robert Louis 357
Strong, Maurice 16, 17, 24-25, 326, 368, 370 n3, 378, 380 (also n2), 388, 389-392, 406, 418
Suicide 78, 89 n2, 101, 208, 241, 276, 320, 336, 337, 391, 426, 446; see also euthanasia
Survivalism 444
swastika, in Theosophy and Nazism 253, 254 (also nn2,5)
Swidler, Leonard 173
Swing, Bishop William E. (Episcopal), 5, 12, 13, 15, 17-18, 33, 35-38, 42, 44-50, 52, 54, 56-58,
62-64, 66-68, 72, 76-79, 83-84, 86, 87, 93-94, 99-103, 106-107, 109-111, 113-115, 124-125, 127,
132 n10, 133, 135, 137, 140 (also n5), 144-146, 152-154, 157-165, 173-180, 182-186, 188-191,
199-200, 203, 205-206, 211-212, 214-216, 218-219, 221-227, 231, 236, 272, 287, 301, 340, 349, 369,
401, 405, 406, 452
syncretism, religious 3, 28, 84, 100, 151, 159, 164, 179, 188 (also n4), 189, 190, 196, 198-199,
201-205, 216, 230, 232-234, 412, 418, 430
Taliban 77, 79 (also nn 1, 2)
Tantra 16, 130, 334 (also n8), 373-374
Tay, Bishop Moses (Anglican) 203
Teasdale, Wayne 42, 173, 181, 195 (also n8), 206, 223
Techno Cosmic Mass 153-156; see also Fox, Fr. Matthew, creation spirituality, and University of
Creation Spirituality
Teilhard de Chardin, S. J., Fr. Pierre (Catholic) 7, 21, 42-43, 134, 137, 243, 244, 247, 286-305,
323, 326, 348, 349, 358, 384, 402
Temple Mount Faithful 441
Temple of Understanding 15, 41, 45, 46, 109-113, 145 n6, 167-168, 198
Teresa, Mother (Catholic) 160
terrorism 1, 5, 36, 52, 77, 78-82, 89 n2, 178, 186, 192 n1, 236, 267, 272, 321, 322-323, 360, 363,
393-394, 404, 407, 413, 428
Thatcher, Margaret 370
Theosophical movement (spiritual movement founded in 1875 by H. P. Blavatsky) 3, 6, 7, 19-21, 29,
39, 40 nn 1, 7, 48, 131-136, 259-285, 287, 324-326, 328, 347, 352, 410, 418 nn 1, 2
Theosophical Society 7, 19-21, 39-40, 48, 131 n13, 193, 194 n2, 196, 197 n3, 204 n3, 248-258, 261
n9, 286, 418 n2
Thigpen, Paul 420
Third Reich: see Nazism
Ting, Bishop K. H. (Anglican) 142 (also n11), 185
Tolkien, J. R. R. 414, 422
New Age apologetics for 7, 210, 243, 244, 270 n1, 274-281, 289-294, 308-312, 322, 324, 330-331,
342-346, 359-360, 370-372, 386-388, 402
Warnings against 356, 397-398, 413-417, 430; see also Fascism; Nazism; Communism
Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) 447
Traditionalist School (Schuon, Guénon, et al.) 3-4, 178 n3, 185 n5, 233 n6, 256 n3, 432, 436-438
Traer, Robert 51 n10, 54 n8, 176, 187
Trilateral Commission 186, 378
Trower, Philip 448
Turner, Ted 26-27, 51-52, 102, 221, 313, 366-367, 373, 447
Tutu, Archbishop Desmond (Anglican) 53, 98, 103, 143, 218-219, 394
United Nations (UN) 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, 17, 24, 26, 35-36, 44, 47, 50, 51, 53, 55, 64, 66, 70, 75, 78
(also n1), 79 n2, 81 n8, 82, 93-99, 103, 111, 112, 119, 124 n11, 125, 127 n8, 132-136, 139, 142,
152, 160, 161 nn4,9, 167, 181, 184, 189, 193 n1, 206, 209, 217-221, 223, 225, 235, 236, 240, 247,
259, 269, 271, 278, 284, 286, 293, 306-315, 336, 360, 363, 364, 370, 378 (also n7), 379-382, 385,
386, 389, 392, 394, 406, 449; see also UN agencies
UN agencies:
UNEP 96-97
UNESCO 21, 58 n10, 94, 95, 97-99, 132, 169, 220, 284, 294, 313, 378, 379, 382
UNFPA 98-99, 168 n1, 218 (also n7), 221 n4
UNICEF 95, 284, 378, 379
University for Peace, 21, 24, 125, 133
UN declaration on religious freedom (1981) 70
Unification Church and related organizations 7, 115-126, 227
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR); see Soviet Union
United Communities of Spirit 197-198, 200
United States Institute of Peace (USIP) 62, 99
"unity in diversity" 5, 33, 98, 109-114, 197, 236, 323, 351
University of Creation Spirituality 152
Upton, Charles 3-4, 9, 29, 37 n3, 40 n5, 70 n1, 77 n3, 80 n5, 89 n2, 91 n4, 106 n7, 155 n2, 178
n3, 181 n4, 183 nn4,5, 185 n5, 192 n1, 194 n2, 195 n4, 205 (also n1), 212 n7, 215 n7, 216 n2, 217
nn1,5, 233 n6, 248 n1, 254 nn1,5, 255 n2, 256 n3, 257 n3, 261 n9, 299 n6, 268 n5, 283 n4, 328 n5,
334 n8, 345 n2, 399 n8, 419 n3, 426 nn7,12, 430, 438, 441 n2, 447 n6
United Religions Initiative (URI):
changes in strategy since 1996 66-68
Charter 69-73, 449-451
cultural radicalism 76-92
funding sources 57-63
Global Council members 452-454
history 35-175
political agenda 206-214, 217-222, 224-226
powerful supporters 93-104
reasons to oppose 76-92, 175-234
situation as of 2004 53-55
works of mercy 73-76
utilitarianism, religious 222-224, 331-332
utopianism 5, 6, 11, 13, 15, 27, 37, 42, 93, 102, 136, 209, 211-214, 235, 262-263, 276, 303-304,
335, 341-342, 349, 358, 372, 378, 396-397, 404-405, 446
Vatican, the 21, 45, 51 n4, 52, 74 n3, 80, 81, 140, 152, 158-160, 164, 165, 167, 173, 223,
227-229, 232-234, 235, 256, 269, 272, 304-305, 349-351, 423-428
Vatican II (Roman Catholic Church council,1962- 1965) 10, 173, 189, 229-231, 234, 424, 443
Vatican view of the New Age; see Jesus Christ, the Bearer of the Water of Life
Verhofstadt, Guy 310
Veriditas: see Labyrinth movement
Vichy regime (France under German occupation, World War II) 291-292
Volkswagen 311
Wainaina, Fr. Joseph (Catholic) 169, 217
Walker, Antonio Garrigues 186
Walsch, Neale Donald 7, 22-23, 43, 102, 115, 131, 135- 136, 186, 195, 196, 239, 240, 243, 246, 247
(also n2), 262, 269, 288, 317-318, 236, 327-350, 355, 357, 358, 391, 403, 416
War on Terror 5, 100
war, as an occasion of progress 7, 246, 260-261, 276-279, 285, 291, 298-301, 303-304, 342,
344-345, 433-434
Ware, Bishop Kallistos (Eastern Orthodox) 213
Warner, Sen. John 118
wealthy supporters of or participants in interfaith, New Age, and globalist movements:
New Age leaders 150
population control 221
radicals or socialists, self-avowed 1, 5, 16, 17, 24- 25, 26-27, 51-52, 61, 101-102, 221, 313,
326, 366, 367, 368, 370 (also n3), 373, 374, 378, 380 (also n2), 388, 389-392, 394, 406, 408, 418,
State of the World Forum 378
United Religions Initiative 57-62
World Economic Forum, 379
World Millennium Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders 51-52
Wicca 5, 12, 41, 48, 49, 57, 115 (also n3), 127-131, 162, 197, 200, 201, 257, 383, 410, 453 (also
n2); see also Neopaganism
Williams, Archbishop Rowan (Anglican) 144
Wittenberg Center for Alternative Resources 138 (also n11), 259
Woodward, Kenneth 351
World Bank 24, 95, 221, 225, 326, 378, 389, 394
World Core Curriculum; see Robert Muller Schools
World Council of Churches 110, 112, 235, 369
World Economic Forum 5, 6, 17, 24, 25, 50, 111, 247 n1, 389, 392-396, 398, 401
world government 12, 220, 308-312, 342-346, 350, 357, 360, 364, 380-382, 391, 397-398, 438; see
also global governance
World Millennium Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders 50-54, 94, 111
World War I 21, 214, 299
World War II 21, 42, 148, 189, 214, 254 n5, 271 n8, 275-277, 289-291, 299-300, 331, 342, 346 n2,
407, 415, 416 (also n3), 445 (also n2)
Younghusband, Sir Francis 42
Zionism 209, 268, 366 n8, 440 n1, 441-442; see also Israel; Palestine
Zoroastrianism, and the URI 57, 91 n4, 108-109, 201, 454
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